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Jfk reloaded deal with it gif

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Livingston’s review of the drawings and photographs of the brain in the National Archives, where David Mantik was able to prove that the autopsy X-rays had been altered to conceal a massive blow-out at the back of the head and Bob Livingston, who was a world authority on the human brain, drew the evident inference–based upon the multiple consistent reports from Parkland of extruding cerebellar as well as cerebral tissue from the wound–that the virtually complete brain with an intact cerebellum shown in those diagrams and photographs could not possibly be the brain of John F. Mantik’s studies of the autopsy X-rays and Robert B. I make that claim because Assassination Science (1998) published David W.

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Mantik’s CAT scan study, which demonstrates the “magic bullet” theory is anatomically impossible because cervical vertebra intervene: We have the Warren Commission staff’s own reconstruction photographs (including the one that I presented above), we have the mortician’s description of a back wound “from five to six inches below the shoulder”–and we have David W. We have Admiral Burkley’s death certificate, which attributes his death to a massive wound in the head but also describes a second wound to the back at the level of the third thoracic vertebra, which corresponds to the same location. We have the FBI sketch from the autopsy showing the wound to the back below the wound to the throat. Thorton Boswell’s autopsy diagram, which shows a wound to the body at the same location. We have the jacket and the shirt JFK was wearing, which have holes about 5.5″ below the collar to the right of the spinal column. Let’s begin with his new “magic” bullet theory.

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He makes multiple claims that are not only false but provably false and, in this case, not even anatomically possible.

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